May 26, 2024

New Memories

“See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.” Isaiah 65:17

Your immortal life will start new and all eternity will be yours to replace and recreate new memories. A logical question is often asked, How will we enjoy Heaven with the horrible memories we’ll have from this life? The answer is that the painful hurts, the sorrow of loss, and other emotional shattering experiences will be left on this earth. In the presence of our Savior, only love will remain.

The former things that once held our interest and captivated our thoughts will be exchanged by the new holy order of eternal life. We may try to recall those things in conversations, but we will likely find that the glory of Heaven will overpower our memory.

Let’s pray today to cling to the cross of Christ and its promise of a new eternal life.