August 19, 2024

Angelic Intervention

“He then added, “Very truly I tell you, you will see ‘heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.””  John 1:51

Angels are God’s helpers from heaven because they have an active part in His Kingdom on earth. They tirelessly labor on behalf of those who seek to glorify God in their lives and circumstances. Though we are mostly unaware, there may be a day in heaven when the Lord plays the film of our life and we will be in awe for His angelic intervention.

Knowing that God’s holy helpers are by our side as we seek to walk with the Lord, ought to motivate us to pray more earnestly. When divine intervention is needed in our affairs on earth, we can confidently know that our God has the ways and means to help.

Let’s pray today that we may always welcome God’s intervention into His work on earth.