August 18, 2024

Behold Jesus

“The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29

Behold Jesus, fix your thoughts on Him, turn your eyes to your Savior on Calvary’s cross and be changed. Stop gazing upon your own shortcomings and start beholding His character and grace. You may struggle with sin or its effects of sorrows, regrets, and heartache, but don’t rehearse the ills when you can find change in beholding Jesus.

The battle of the mind is very real but the choice is yours to focus on yourself or on Jesus Christ. If you focus on yourself you’ll get more of the same, but by focusing on the Lord you will be transformed into His likeness — you’ll trade your fears for His peace.

Let’s pray today that our hearts and minds will turn from self and toward the Savior.