August 17, 2024

Forever Adoption

“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” John 1:12

The God of the Bible desires a relationship with us by adopting us as His forever children. Our God doesn’t keep us at a distance or suppress us as subjects, but welcomes us into His family as His children. Our God adopts us, because He loves us, and assumes parental care of us with full responsibility for our future.

Please don’t doubt your faith-inherited right to the family of God. Whatever your name was — scoundrel, thief, failure, victim, etc. — now in Christ your new family name has been changed to forgiven, victorious, faithful, etc. because you are now the child of God.

Let’s pray today in faith that our God has adopted us as His own child, forever.