July 30, 2024

Forever Fellowship

“I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”  Matthew 26:29

In eternity, when we are with our Lord Jesus we will enjoy personal, genuine, forever fellowship with Him. We will enjoy the intimacy of eating and drinking together, being together, and having a close relationship together. The Lord has given us the practice of communion to remind us of this and is longing for the day when we will be together again at His Father’s table.

The bread and wine are symbols to remind us of the life of Christ but even more so is the reminder to look forward to the Lord’s return. When Jesus returns we will be with Him forever and truly know the extent of His sacrifice for us.

Let’s pray today that the Spirit may give us a longing heart to be with Jesus in eternal fellowship.