July 29, 2024

Always Ready

“So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” Matthew 24:44

Being ready for Jesus’ return at any moment comes when your every moment is looking for Jesus. Prophecy charts may be helpful in understanding timelines of events, but they can’t turn your heart toward the Savior in readiness. There is no waiting till the last minute to be ready for the Lord’s return, because you don’t know when it is. So rather than always looking around or looking down, we can always be ready by always looking up.

We may live our days around tasks and activities that require our attention but the longing for the Savior’s promised return to take us to Heaven is the blessed hope of the Christian life. Regardless of what we are doing, our heart and soul is looking up.

Let’s pray today that we may stay focused on the Savior and looking for His return.