May 30, 2024

King Jesus

“The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land.“  Jeremiah 23:5

As surely as prophecy predicts, King Jesus will sit on the throne of the New Jerusalem. Israel will not always be subject to the political and violent attacks of other nations. We will see a 1000 years of peace while Satan is bound and unable to influence the nations against Christ’s redeemed, and to this we say, Come Lord Jesus.

The Messiah of prophecy foretold is the King who will reign from David’s line and will do so in absolute perfect justice. In King Jesus we will have a Ruler unlike any in today’s world because He will rule in pure righteousness.

Let’s pray today for the peace of Jerusalem and faith in the Messiah Jesus Christ.