Justified by Grace
“Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, because ‘the righteous will live by faith.’” Galatians 3:11
Biblical faith is so simple that some people complicate Christ’s grace with religious activity. If we walk by sight, seeing our own compliance to works, then we selfishly deny Christ’s grace by not exercising faith in God’s ability to save us from our sin. When we walk by faith, we may fall, but by His grace we are encouraged to keep walking forward trusting in Christ’s control of our lives not ours.
God does not acknowledge our ceremonial compliments through prayers and deeds that lack actual living faith. It is by trusting in the atonement of Jesus that we give up our attainments by works.
Let’s pray today for those who find it hard to trust in Christ’s grace and relinquish control to Him.