August 4, 2024

Child-Like Faith

“Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”  Mark 10:15

Jesus asks of us a child-like faith, just as a toddler trusts in a parent’s love for a secure future. Children know they have limitations and recognize an adult’s physical and mental superiority. Likewise we are but children of the Creator God and unable to obtain eternal life without Jesus. With a child-like faith we acknowledge our inability to help ourselves and we willingly seek His help.

The life of a child is generally more simplistic than that of an adult with responsibilities and stressors continually beckoning for attention. When we give those cares over to the Lord we can experience a child-like faith that saves.

Let’s pray today that we would trust in Jesus with a simple faith relying completely on Him.