July 11, 2024

Broken for Heaven

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:3

Being heartbroken, deeply saddened, in the depths of despair can sometimes seem like a prerequisite for Heaven. It’s hard to feel like we actually have a future when we feel broken, but Jesus says that the future belongs to such. This world may reward the ambitious confident go-getter, but the Kingdom of Heaven is about rewarding redemption to the broken-hearted.

It is hard to be prideful and feel self-sufficient when our heart’s are shattered with sorrow or our attitude is depressed of any positivity. However, it is in these times we can turn to the Lord and appreciate His sacrifice that we have the hope of Heaven.

Let’s pray today that when we feel our life is in pieces we will go to Jesus and find healing.