June 1, 2024

Seeking God

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

Don’t wonder where God is when adversity strikes, if all along you’ve been pushing Him away. God doesn’t hide from us and He doesn’t make it difficult to be found by us. God is there when we need Him but He does not interject Himself into our affairs if He is uninvited, unwelcome, or unacknowledged. When life has you pushed against the wall, you will find Him but when your heart is open to Him.

If we need God but we feel like He is nowhere to be found, it is likely that we have not been intentionally seeking Him. God is found when we sincerely seek Him with all our heart because He will not intervene where He is not wanted.

Let’s pray today to keep our heart open to our Creator at all times, good and bad.