September 4, 2024

Jesus Promises

“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.” John 10:28

Jesus has promised eternal life and He does not renegotiate, renege, or revoke His promises. Eternal life is a gift that you receive through faith and hold unto by His grace. The Savior has secured your salvation on Calvary’s cross as His promise to you. Jesus does not change, Calvary can not be undone, He simply delivers on His promise.

No one can undo the grace of Christ that saves you and brings new life into your hope for the future, no one can tempt you without your permission to yield, so do not allow anyone to talk you into taking your hand out of His.

Let’s pray today that we will not falter or turn our thankful heart away from Calvary’s gift.