September 12, 2024

Prayer for Holiness

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” John 15:7

Prayer is not given as a means to achieving our happiness, but as a means to obtaining God’s holiness. It is not about getting our will done, but about getting God’s will done. When we are in communion with God through the Spirit filled life, we will be focused on being in His will, doing His will, and being filled with His holiness. Prayer is the means of remaining in Christ.

Prayer is a gift from God to draw us closer to Him and keeps us in communion with Him throughout the circumstances of each day. Prayer is meant as an avenue for us to talk with Him, share with Him, and be in communion with Him.

Let’s pray today to be filled with God’s Spirit and walk in holiness apart from this world.