August 30, 2024

Behold Jesus

“For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.” John 6:40

It is God the Father’s will that we would behold Jesus the Son and we would be saved. Stop rehearsing your doubts and start focusing on faith in God’s Word. This world does not have the final say over you. Greater is He who saved you then he who seeks to harm you, even if that harm is fatal, because it will not and cannot be final.

Just as Lazarus was raised up, and just as Jesus was raised up, so shall you be raised up if you live your life beholding the Lord. It is in beholding Jesus that you will become changed into His likeness and that includes His resurrection.

Let’s pray today in thanksgiving that Jesus has saved us and conquered death.