August 13, 2024

One Soul

“I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”  Luke 15:7

Heaven is more celebratory over one new believer than over ninety-nine sitting in the pews. We tend to think differently because we equate success with larger crowds, bigger buildings, and chasing programs that promise to reach more than we have now. However, Jesus would have come to earth, enduring the cruel cross of Calvary, even if it meant for the salvation of one soul.

We can certainly say that in Heaven’s economy it is quality over quantity. If every follower of the Lord Jesus would give themselves to prayer and witness for the salvation of one soul near to them, we would all give impact to the great commission.

Let’s pray today to give attention to one that is lost, more than those who are with us.