July 7, 2024

True Believers

“On the day when I act, says the Lord Almighty, they will be my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him.” Malachi 3:17

A quick look across the pews won’t tell you who truly believes in Jesus, but the return of Jesus will. The difference between those who serve the Lord and those who don’t isn’t always clear, but we all serve somebody. Some serve self, some serve money, some serve power, but when the end of all things is final and Jesus returns for His own, it will be clear to all and for all eternity.

The genuine followers of the Lord Jesus will make up God’s treasured possession and they will be spared the wrath meant for those who willfully reject divine mercy. On the day that our God acts, the true saints of the Lord will be saved.

Let’s pray today that we may not serve anyone or anything above our Lord and Savior.