June 8, 2024

A Heart for God

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” Ezekiel 36:26

Don’t be afraid of failure in your new Christian walk because God gives you a heart after Him. Don’t worry about past habits catching up to you and destroying any spiritual progress you are making. Your Lord has promised not only eternal life, but a new life, because the Holy Spirit is transforming your heart of stone with a heart that hears His call and stands resolute in biblical faith.

Jesus called the decision to follow Him, being born again, so don’t give your old man too much credit. The Spirit of God is more powerful than any bad habit or old vice that may have had a hold on you, but as a new creation your strength is in His constant leading.

Let’s pray today that by faith we will accept our new heart for God and His life for us.