June 3, 2024

Wayward Children

“So there is hope for your descendants, declares the Lord. Your children will return to their own land.”  Jeremiah 31:17

Moms and Dads who are grieved by their children’s waywardness can find hope in God’s promises. Like the Israelite’s, whose captivity in Babylon brought about God’s promise of return, so can your home and its captivity in today’s spiritual Babylon, find a promise of return. Don’t give up hope on your children, don’t beat yourself up with guilt regarding what you didn’t say or do, just keep praying in the promises of God that they will return.

Most of all, don’t give up on God’s ability to save your children because the truth is, only He can reach them. Pray that God’s Spirit will breakthrough their heart and mind with a conviction toward repentance and a desire to return to their land.

Let’s pray today that our prodigals will be convicted by the Spirit of God to return to Calvary.