June 12, 2024

Not Forgotten

“Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.” Daniel 12:3

A life lived for the glory of God is a memorable one, while a life lived for self is soon forgotten. To live for this world is to erase your memory for eternity, but to live for the Kingdom of God is to shine forever in eternity. Like our Savior, when we invest in others with our energy, time, and talents we are laying up for ourselves treasure in Heaven, and we will not be forgotten.

When we go through life closely with a Christian who is true to a biblical faith, it is like a light in the darkness and an influence for righteousness. The light of Christ leads us in this world and prepares us for our eternal home as it transforms us into a Christlike character.

Let’s pray today that we would seek to reflect all glory, honor, and praise to our God.