April 5, 2024


“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.“  Proverbs 16:18

A man who is too proud to accept Christ and follow in His humbleness, needs prayer. If you know one, or are married to one, please pray for the Spirit of God to break them to their knees before they draw their last breath. It’s easy for our sinful nature to be prideful unless we learn from the example of the Savior.

A healthy pride is short-lived and leads to gratefulness. An unhealthy pride leads to self-aggrandizement, like gazing long in a mirror and admiring creation without regard to the Creator. To cling to pride is to cling to sin, and that won’t end well.

Let’s pray today that we may stay humble at the foot of Calvary’s grace and banish selfishness from our life.