April 13, 2024

God Judges

“I said in my heart, God will bring into judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time to judge every deed.”  Ecclesiastes 3:17

God judges who has believed in Jesus as their personal Savior and who has rejected Jesus as their personal Savior. The saved will escape the penalty of sin in a similar way that a judge rules time served and releases one from prison. Our God determines who has claimed their right to enter the gates of eternity by the righteousness of Jesus.

The judgment verifies the claims of the saved and the evidence of those who have willfully forfeited their right to Heaven by consistently rejecting the Savior’s sacrifice of forgiveness and redemption as offered on Calvary.

Let’s pray today in thanksgiving that the judgment will show our claim of Christ’s grace and righteousness for salvation.